Saturday, November 21, 2009

"It's A Wonderful Life"!

I'm in a play! Probably the last one I'll be doing for some time, since Baby #2 is well on his/her way. :) I get to play Mary Bailey, made famous by another Donna, in It's a Wonderful Life.

Yes, I am VERY VISIBLY pregnant these days. But this version of "IAWL" is a radio play; we're supposed to be actors portraying the story for a live radio broadcast in the 1940s. So we still get to wear fun period costumes and all that jazz...and my pregnancy is a non-issue. In fact, it's become sort of a fun conversational piece throughout the process, and is even an unintentional sight gag in one scene (where I tell an apparently blind and clueless George that I'm expecting.)

We open next week, and right now we're in the midst of the typical "Ohmygodthisisatrainwreckhowwillitevercometogether!?!" neuroses. But our company, the Players Club of Swarthmore, is a really wonderful little theater made up of terrific people. They've been around for 99 years and do amazing work, so I'm confident it will all come together...even if we need a little help from Clarence the Angel. ;D

"It's A Wonderful Life" opens on Black Friday (11/27) and runs for three weekends. For more info, visit the link above.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Wordle - Sylvia Plath's "Daddy"

Wordle - Sylvia Plath's "Daddy": "Wordle: Sylvia Plath's "Daddy""

Okay, people must have been mystified when I posted this with no explanation! I was actually playing with wordle, a really cool site that even the technologically incompetent can master. I'm teaching The Bell Jar in tandem with Plath's poetry these days (fun, uplifting stuff), and I wanted my students to create a wordle for one of her poems. All you do is copy and paste a bunch of text, and in about ten seconds you have this really cool word collage! You can even play with the fonts/color/layout/etc. Try it; you'll be addicted. :)