Monday, July 03, 2006


Back from a terrific weekend visiting the fam.

Years ago, Oprah touted an "Attitude of Gratitude" journal--just listing things you were thankful for that had happened that day. I did it with Rosie while preparing her for Confirmation, and I continued for some time. I think it's time to resurrect this very worthy practice, so here is what I'm thankful for this weekend:
  • Quality bonding with the sis over Coldstone and "Devil Wears Prada" (awesome movie--reminds me how women are taught to hate each other)
  • Fabulous family party (featuring a magic show by my pa--just like old times)
  • Holding my friend Jenn's BEAUTIFUL little daughter Natalie (amazing that the girl I used to write notes to during Algebra is now a mommy!)
  • Appreciating my extended family with all their quirks and eccentricities
  • Surprisingly good visit with my Nana at the nursing home
  • Walking around suburbia and actually enjoying it (God, I'm getting old...)
  • Taking in the Wyeth exhibit at the Philadelphia Art Museum (and learning so much about an artist I've looked at for years, but never quite understood)
  • Official "Philly date" with Nick at Bridgid's (great little hole-in-the-wall with excellent beer-battered chicken)
  • Yuengling in the backyard with my dear friend Jennifer, b*tching about life
  • Dessert with Jennifer and her long-suffering fiance ;)
  • Waiting for an hour outside Suky's, sweating with Jennifer's bridesmaids, to try on dresses
  • Topping it off with a peaceful evening in the park, watching Rocco chase lil' doggies

Such a good time to reconnect with friends and family; to rejuvenate.

Off to Lake Placid tomorrow, one of my favorite places in the world, to reconnect with another friend--dear old Katie, one of my JVC roomies. I adore going up there--not just because Katie and I always have an awesome time, but because I get to revel in nature (hiking the Adirondacks, swimming in the lake) that I so rarely get to see around here. Also, Katie and her husband Brad are just genuinely good, sweet people, and their home is like a retreat for me. We spend hours reminiscing about our time volunteering, which is always a wonderful reminder of an extremely transformative time in my life.

I feel very full of love and appreciation right now. My cup runneth over.

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